Thursday, July 2, 2009

How to measure your balloons with a balloon sizer

Now that we have our very own balloon sizer, we're now ready for our next task: measuring balloons using the sizer. I know I know, why not just try to estimate the size of the balloon you're inflating by putting it side by side with an already inflated balloon? Well for one, I've tried this method while making my own balloon pillar, and it does not work. You'll be surprised at how the eye can deceive you in estimating sizes. In a nutshell, my pillar ended up looking like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. So on to the article:

Using your balloon sizer is very easy, however the inflating part sometimes becomes tricky. First, I'll show you three types of inflated balloons so you can check whether yours is properly inflated. Second, I will show you how to use your sizer with the properly inflated balloon.

Some balloons, when inflated,
do not come out as perfectly round. So, the head of the balloon becomes under inflated while the rest of the air remains at the tail of the balloon. So when you slip it through your sizer, it does not measure up to your required size. Some people will continue inflating their balloon until they fit perfectly into the balloon sizer, not knowing that their balloon is already over inflated and now looks like an avocado!! (yum)

It looks like an avocado because of overinflating the balloon where the air already fills up the space for the tail (or the elongated or tube part of the balloon). The tail is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FILLED UP WITH AIR. Its purpose is for the knot you will be making to secure the air inside the balloon.

Below are the three types of inflated balloons. Notice the differences to make sure that you use your balloons properly and you get the most f
or the balloons you paid for:

1. Under-

Clearly an underinflated balloon suggested by its long uninflated neck. Unless you want to use them for games that require sitting or stomping to pop the balloons, underinflating the balloon would pose more challenges to the game. Attempting to pop an under-inflated balloon will displace air into the uninflated portion (tail or neck part) and redistribute the stress to the rest of the balloon without popping.

2. Fully inflated
This is a fully-inflated balloon and the right size for most games and decorations. Full inflation is characterized by a round balloon that SLIGHTLY fills up the neck but when you press both ends of the balloon, it will form a perfectly round shape.

3. Over inflated:

This is obviously over-inflated as characterized by the long inflated neck. The balloon is very tight and may make a ringing sound when tapped. Cover your ears, hide your children, and run for your life when you see this balloon, as it's just one fingernail away from popping!!

Measuring your balloons in the sizer

When you already have with you a perfectly round and inflated balloon, carefully slip it into your sizer, and if it passes through successfully and without force, the balloon is in the size specified in your sizer.
Till next time,


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